Mag. Dr. Verena Steiner


Let's get personal!

Nutrition training imparts, scientifically based knowledge about nutrition and lifestyle as well as weight control or weight loss.

I support you with all questions from the area of nutrition and lifestyle.

  • How can I lose weight in the long term?
  • How can I positively influence my well-being?
  • How can I distinguish healthy from unhealthy foods at the supermarket? (Shopping Coaching)
  • What do I have to pay attention to as a vegan or vegetarian?
  • What does healthy eating mean for children?
  • How can a healthy and balanced diet succeed to supply the body with all vital nutrients?

The cooperation of Dr. Steiner and doctors in OZ16 also allows the determination of blood parameters. If a deficiency is found, it is possible to compensate for it with dietary supplements or drug therapies. A balanced diet can then help prevent the development of deficiencies.



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