Our team



The reception is staffed from Monday to Friday and will take care of your requests and appointments.

Languages: German & English.

Tel: 01 / 395 05 78
E-mail: ordination@oz16.at


Doctors & Physicians

stefan greisenegger oz16

Assoz.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Stefan Greisenegger

oz16 dr donat

Dr. Johannes Simon Donat

oz16 pediatrician dr martina niklas high

Dr. Martina Niklas

dr manfred notnagel

Dr. Manfred Nothnagel

oz16 c barbaranidetzky waiting room

Ap. Prof. Dr. Edit Porpaczy, PhD

oz16 c barbaranidetzky dr beate cabinet smile

OÄ Priv-Doz. Dr. Beate Schrank


Therapists & Therapists


Lisa Ehetreiber Photo Maria Noi

Lisa Ehetreiber, BA

oz16 c barbaranidetzky folded hands woman

Mag.a Sandra Schranz

oz16 portrait portrait format

Dr. Felicia Seligo

christian wiesner oz16

MMag. Dr. Christian Wiesner


loz16 aura aicher physiotherapist portrait

Laura Aicher, BSc

oz16 c barbaranidetzky smiling woman

Laura Kathan

oz16 c barbaranidetzky smiling man

Lorenz Lackner

Nutritional advice

oz16 verena steiner hofbauer

Mag. Dr. Verena Steiner