Lose weight with Ozempic (and Wegovy) - The new kind of "fat-away" injection


Ozempic is a drug approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes in adults. The active ingredient in "Ocempic" is called semagutide, this is a so-called glucagon-like peptide 1. It helps lower blood sugar by increasing the release of insulin from the pancreas and at the same time reducing the release of glucagon.
Insulin, which lowers blood sugar levels, is heard. Glucagon, which increases blood glucose levels, is reduced. This effectively controls blood glucose levels. In addition, the active ingredient in Ozempic reduces the feeling of hunger, helps prevent cravings and reduces appetite. The active ingredient in Ocempic slows down gastric emptying, thus prolonging the feeling of being full after each meal.

Ocempic can effectively support weight loss, but it is not a "miracle cure". A change in diet and an active lifestyle are important to lose weight in the long term. We therefore offer treatment with Ocempic in combination with at least 3 units of nutritional training.

Ocempic is a prescription medication. Treatment is possible only under medical supervision.